Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Joy, the Power in a Word

A few years ago a good friend of mine, Sr. Jennifer, suggested I pick a word to walk with during the coming year.  I was going through a divorce at the time and my life had been turned upside down. For several days while on retreat I discerned what words spoke to me. In the beginning "freedom” seemed to be the appropriate word since I was escaping from thirty-three years of an abusive marriage. "Forgiveness" also seemed like something I should focus on. However, nothing seemed to be sticking out as a word I wanted to sit with for a year.

Beginning around the third century AD, individuals went into the desert to live so that they would not be distracted from their relationship with God and to find their true selves. These Christian hermits known as desert fathers and mothers were sought after for their wisdom.  Pilgrims ventured out to the desert to meet with the desert fathers and mothers to receive a word that they could take back with them and reflect upon.

What word would the desert fathers and mothers give to me? While sitting on the beach allowing the waves to roll over me I thought about all the blessings God had brought into my life. For years, I lived in turmoil. I knew something was wrong but I just couldn’t share this with anyone. But in the past few years, God had brought a good friend, a good job and a chance to save my spirit from sure death. These blessings had brought joy into my life once again.  Joy would be the word that I would focus on for the coming year.  I surrounded myself with things that had the word “joy” written on them and by focusing on joy it kept me from thinking so much about the hard times. 

It has been over three years ago since I spent a year reflecting on the word joy. God has truly blessed me with many moments of joy.  This year I have decided to reflect upon another word and have been giving it some thought. How about you? What word would the desert fathers and mothers give to you?

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