Monday, July 9, 2018

Reflecting Back In Order to Move Forward

Sankofa comes from the ancient people in the West African nation of Ghana known as the Akan. The Sankofa bird symbolizes looking back to reclaim our past so we can move forward. The Akan knew how important it was to make a critical investigation of our past in order to move forward in life.

Reflecting on my past has helped me on my spiritual journey. It has shown me places where I missed how God was right there beside me.  It has helped me to discover my true self and take off the masks I was wearing to protect me from the hurt and suffering in my life. It gave me an idea of how much I had really grown in my faith and how God had taken the hurt and suffering and turned it around for good.

Spend some time thinking about your life. On a sheet of paper put a line down the middle then on the top half of your sheet write all the positive events that have happened in your life in the order that they have happened.  Now think about all the negative, hurtful events that have happened in your life and write those across the bottom half in the order that they happened.

Spend time reflecting on these events and how they have had an impact on your life.  Are you seeing any patterns? Is there a theme running through your story? How have the negative events turned into a time of growth? How has God used your negative life events for good? Where are you seeing God at work in your story? As you reflect on your story have you found things that have been buried in your heart?

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